Monday, March 7, 2011

Balloons on a Windy Day

Every weekend for the past 2 weekends
I have forced myself out of the house to go take pictures.
Not pictures for clients, but just pictures.
Things I want to try.
Ideas I thought of.

My Mom use to do this quiet a bit with me and my brother when we were little.

Any who, this weekends adventure was
First Birthday Pictures for baby I.

Thing is.
Baby I wasn't in the mood to take pictures.
So I put him in the car and let the boys run around
with his birthday balloons while I let him rest.

They had a blast

Just enjoying the day.
The Sunshine.

Until I asked Seann for the balloons back.
He threw the strings at me, instead of handing them to me.

Away flew $20.00 worth of balloons.
And as frustrated as I was at that moment.
I realized it wasn't the end of the world that I didn't get to take Baby I's birthday pictures.
That in all, my boys had a fun day in the sun with balloons.
And if $20.00 worth of balloons flying away was going
to be the worse thing to happen to me that day.
Ill take it.


Laura said...

Awww.... "Baby I" did not look happy! I probably would have been mad for a moment about the balloons, I kinda got mad for you reading/seeing it here!!!

Jessica said...

Hi Michelle!
Thank you for the comment, I am following you back =)

Pictures are great! Looks like a fun day, even if the balloons did fly away. ;)

I look forward to reading more!

Unknown said...

Hello Michelle! You are the featured MilSpouse on MrsMamaHen this week :-)


Michelle said...

Thank you all!
And Thank you for the mention Conni!